Monday, September 21, 2009


After running fillets and fiberglass tape on both chines it is time to install some bulkheads.

This is the aft bulkhead along with a nice assortment of my clamps.

Then I did bulkhead number 3 the lower cabin bulkhead.

In the lower cabin bulkhead you can see a slot on the left side. This slot will be enlarged later to accommodate the the center board trunk. The trickiest part of installing a bulkhead is getting the right shape to fit. The aft bulkheads have fairly straight lines so it is possible to take several measurements and come up with a close approximation of the required shape.

The forward bulkhead is a bit more complex. I used a different strategy.

I used a plumb bob to establish a line where the bulkhead will meet the hull.

Sally is checking out the pattern I have made. I installed a scrap piece of plywood in the location for bulkhead number 1. Then I stapled little scraps of plywood like fingers touching all the important points around the perimeter and some inbetween.

OK now what?

How did that cat cat up there without altering the precise position of any of my indicator strips?

I made a mark at the tip of each indicator strip, connected with some fair lines and cut out with a jig saw.

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