Friday, July 9, 2010

Marissa stops by for a visit

Graham Byrnes entered Woodenboats design contest for a fuel efficient 25 hp powerboat. He won with his design for Marissa. Graham took Marissa to this years Woodenboat Show at Mystic Connecticut. After the boat show Graham and his daughter Beth had a few days before they had to be in Brooklyn, Maine to teach two weeks of boat building courses.

Graham and his crew had burned the midnight oil to get Marissa ready in time for the boat show. There were a few details that had to be attended to before Marissa could be launched.

I drove Graham into Galilee and he bought some bolts and fuel line at Rhode Island Engine Company.

 Then he and Beth went to work.
Soon we were off to the boat ramp.

Cruising past the fishing fleet we headed for the breachway and the open water of the Harbor of Refuge.

Graham could hardly wait to open the throttle and see how Marissa will run. This is her maiden voyage.

Pretty smooth wake as we skim across the water.

Sally is sharing some local knowledge with Graham while Beth enjoys the ride.

After touring around for awhile we anchored Marissa on some sand flats and dug for quahaugs. We all enjoyed gathering the hard shell clams for our chowder. It was a late supper and a good day on the water.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe and Sally,
    The EC is looking great. I've been interested in Marissa as a possibility for a new boat for my club. I've got a nearly new Honda 30 on a borrowed 13' Whaler, and I'm considering a new platform. How did you like the Marissa? What was the speed w/ the 25 and 3 aboard? It looks great!
    I'm following your EC with interest.
    Jim Luton
